Sunday, September 4, 2011


                                               CELEBRATING GHAI JATRA

Gai Jatra is a festival celebrated by the Newar community every year since the malla period. We see newars celebrating this festival in different cities where there is strong pesence of newars. Now a days we see other community also particiapting in this festival. It is one of the most popular festivals of Nepal. This festival comes just a day after Janai Purnima and this year it is held on 29th of the Sarwan (aug 14). The festival commemorates the death of people during the span of a year. Gai Jatra is a healthy festival which enables the people to accept the reality of death and to prepare oneself for the life after death. The festival of cows is one of the most popular festivals of Nepal.

Every family who lost their member goes to participate in this festival. They bring children or some time adult also with resemblance of Radha Krishna or give those funny looks or resemblance of cow, yogi and other Hindu idol. Some family brings the real cow too.

In Kathmandu the festival is held around Basantapur, in Bhaktpaur around the hole Bhaktapur city and in Lalitpur they go around the Patan Durbar Square.

In this year’s Gai Jatra, I hope to experienced new things. I will first visit Basantapur and go to bhaktpaur to watch this Jatra. There were groups of people who were actively working to clean the streets and making people aware of recycling the waste products. In my opinion such programs are more effective to inform people about general issue like recycling in such festivals as many people come to participate and to watch festivals.

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